Friday, January 16, 2009

My Painted Face

A few months ago, we were at a small activity at Lakeview.  It was like a little Holiday festival with Hot Chocolate and face painting.    That and an overwhelming truck load of sugar laced treats that was sure to work up a frenzy in the most reserved of kids.  But not my well behaved kids... (yeah right!!)

Megan Flower

Megan:  "That is a beautiful flower with a crystal star in the middle." 

Megan Butterfly

Megan: "That is my butterfly... isn't it cute?"

Sophia (Not Sure)

Sophia:  "I don't remember what that is but it was very pretty"
Megan:  "Sophia you don't know what that is... thats just a heart with curls..."

Sophia Spider

Sophia: "That is a cute spider... I want to keep it forever!"

They passed out from sugar overdose that night.  All their talks about wanting to keep the paint for at least a few weeks or days on quickly faded...  By morning they awoke from their sugar induced comas and we were able to clean up the faces before they became clear headed enough to demand that we hire art restoration experts.  That was a close call.  Lesson learned?  Always carry handy wipes when on the run...


1. Tammy & David said...

Too cute! So what did you and Paola get painted on your faces?? :-)

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