Thursday, April 03, 2008

Weekend For the Kids

Last weekend we were able to kidnap some of our friends kids and head down to Brook Run Park.  Its a giant park in Sandy Springs. 

Kids at play!

Tons to do and play with.  Jumping around like a mad man... swinging from all the play sets....  and the kids had fun too!  We played the morning away, and even had time to have a picnic at the picnic tables...

Ice Cream Time

After a hard day of play play play, who could deny a little ice cream break?  What kid doesn't like ice cream?  Here is Paola, Megan, and Grace enjoying a cool refreshing treat...  Once we finished off the ice cream(s), it was time to run.  There was a birthday party for one of Grace's friends, and it was a jumping place!

Daniel SWOOOOSH!!!    Noah DUNKS!!!

I don't know where the kids get their energy.... Above we have Daniel and Noah showing us how its done!  Paola and I jumped and ran through the mazes.  I half expected to find some cheese at the end of the mazes, but time and time again I was tricked... and left empty handed.   We had a great day...  and took a bunch of great pics.  Click on the pictures, or click HERE to see more pictures from that day...


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