Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Christmas Magic

Its a Christmas Miracle.... ok, maybe not a miracle... but close enough.  In search for the illusive family picture.  There always seems to be one kid making funny faces (or parent)... or one kid looking the wrong way (or parent) ... or one kid with eyes closed (or parent).

Christmas Magic

Well with a little computer help, I put these two half pictures together.  Ok, well you can tell by the color tones on the coach its two... and not all the kids are looking... and oh well, I guess I do have my eyes closed.  (Like I normally do).  I guess this isn't the Christmas magic that I was looking for... But we do look happy don't we?  At least give me that.  


1. Paola said...

Las fotos!!! Tan importantes, tan hermosas y tan dificiles de tomar, sobre todo cuando uno quiere una buena, y con toda la familia. Gracias amor por armar esta foto, te quedo muy linda.

2. Naresh said...

cute kids and beautiful family

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