Monday, January 15, 2007

The Bus

No time for rest.  Just because we finished one family gathering, doesn't mean we get a break!  So we packed our stuff, convinced Paola's parents, and headed for the Bus Station.

Sophia on the Bus

Where to?  Riobamba, of course!  Paola had some family up there, and they were waiting.  At the last minute, Paola thought that it would be great for her parents to take a couple of days off and join us.  (I think they would have had more rest at home without the three little angles running around, but that logic flew out the window)...

Matthew on the Bus

To some of the adults, this was a long bus ride full of twist and turns in the mountains.  My father in law gets a little motion sickness.  And by a 'little', I mean a lot.... a very much lot.  But to the kids, this was an adventure.  The scenery and sites where beautiful.  So much lush countryside.  And the mountains were beautiful.

Megan on the bus

But the ride itself was a whole other adventure.  Like the runaway train at Disney world.  Except that there was no track for this bus to keep you safe.... and add to that as it got darker, there was a low mist that made visibility harder and harder.

Sophia Smiles

The driver seemed like he knew this route blind folded... and with so much low visibility when the sun set, and with the rough roads... and with the mist... I believe it!!   But the kids did have a blast, and I found it amusing how they enjoyed the ride..... but every now and then, I would wonder if our wills were up to date... or where we left it... just in case


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