Friday, January 12, 2007

The Christmas

So I finally got around to doing some more pictures.  I am caught up to Christmas!  Coming home has been hard.  Changing from vacation mode, back to work mode is not easy... but what can you do.

Christmas Ecuador 2006

Ok, so first thing... yes, in this picture I am a little read still from the first trip to the beach.  At this point in my recovery, I am no longer able to hear my teeth crying.

The second thing you may be wondering is where Sophia might be.  Being as it was a late night, Sophia did not make it.  She slept .... well... like a baby.

Christmas Food

The traditional food for the season is Turkey.  There was tons of food for everyone, but my favorite was the stuffing that my mother in law makes.  It is a sweet stuffing and went great with the turkey and gravy!!

Christmas Presents

After a few hours of eating... and eating... there was a pause.  Then came the presents!  So many relatives and kids, it was a flurry of wrapping paper and ribbons.  I think in this picture, Matthew is actually trying to open presents with his teeth. 

Christmas Relatives

The phones kept ringing... all different kinds of cell phone tones... Everyone calling everyone to wish them a happy Christmas.  The kids seemed oblivious to everything but their loot.  The parents seems to enjoy more the expressions on the kids faces when they opened up the presents more than anything else.... It almost seemed like the presents would never stop coming.

Christmas Pyro

But like all things... they must.  The kids did also get a chance to play with some fireworks and sparklers.  The laws governing fireworks seem much more liberal there.  You will get a better idea of what I mean when I post the new years pictures.  This picture was taken shortly before Matthew burned his fingers.... yeah.  He just had to test for himself...  He is stubborn, but I must admit I was surprised how little he fused about the burn, and just ran back to play with the cousins.

Click on any of the pictures or HERE to go the gallery for Christmas... again... too many pictures.


1. Paola said...

Christmas, my favorite holiday during the year. It doesn't really matter where you are, but who are you with. I love this holiday because of Jesus is the best Christmas gift ever, but also for the wonderful family times. Family is a gift from God. HOw special is to have one, love is what matters. I sure enjoyed having Christmas with my mom's side of the family again. It had been 7 years since the last time we all had the chance of sharing this beautiful holiday. We are truly blessed!

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