Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The Mind Machine

We see the kid’s innocent smiles, and we hear their innocent voices… but what are they really thinking?  Today let’s take a trip into the minds of my children and see what they were thinking.


Destroy Matthew


Here is a nice cute photo of Megan playing with Lego blocks…. Or is she?

Megan:  “It’s only a matter of time before I beat you Matthew!!  I will build a fortress so strong, that you won’t be able to catch me.  Then you are doomed!!”


Capture Daddy!!


Here is a nice cute photo of Matthew who was playing along side his sister…. It looks like he is having fun.

Matthew:  “I will build a trap to capture Daddy, then his keys are mine… And I am out of here on my way to Disney Land!!...for now, just keep smiling.”




Here is a nice cute photo of Sophia trying on a new hat.

Sophia:  “Does this hat make me look silly?  I wonder when I get to start picking out my own clothing.  There are laws against this type of treatment you know!”


Well, maybe sometimes its not good to know what people really think.


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