Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Batman Begins

My son got a chance to go see Batman Begins today.  I have not even seen this yet... probably the first of many.

Batman Begins

Well his really good friend Diego Jose (and father) invited him.  He had a great time.  Diego Jose and my son (Matthew) always seem so happy to see each other... and normally when the fun ends, are so upset that it can't last longer.

Best Friends

But at that age, like most things, it is almost like a love hate relationship.  They play, they fight, the play, the fight.....  It's almost as if, when we get older, we make our relationships dull.  We take the intensity out of it, and it is no longer "YEAH your here" ... and "I don't want you to leave".  It becomes "Hi" ... and "See you Later"

As we get older, it is hard to keep really close friends.  Or worse, it becomes hard to be close to our spouse.  We all get so many distractions like work, chores, errands, family, pets, etc...  Its hard to spend the time to feed these relationships that make life worth living.  We are not just supposed to work year after year, just so that we eventually make it to our death.  We need to stop "doing things" and we need to start "living life with our loved ones"  That has value... much more than a paycheck every other week.

I want more time with my family.... so that I don't miss out.  J What do you think?  Please leave a comment...


1. Briam said...

Just posting the first comment, so the zero does not haunt me. :-)

2. Diego y Maria Jose said...

Estoy muy de acuerdo - la amistad es como una flor - si no se la cuida y se la anima a crecer, muere en la sombra de la soledad. Nos da gusto tener buenos amigos como Uds. Uno debe trabajar para vivir y compartir cada amanecer con la gente que lo quiere y rodea - no se debe vivir para trabajar y acumular y perder una nocion de lo que se necesita vs. lo que se quiere. Que Dios los bendiga, y Feliz Dia, papacito!!!

3. Briam said...

Diego, thank you for your words. I wish I could express myself as nicely as you do when you write. Especially in spanish. God bless you and your family. Oh ... and happy fathers day!!

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